Acrylic sealants for construction - Best prices and offers
Acrylic sealants for construction prices and online offers. Find out which are the best, strengths and weaknesses. Find your acrylic sealant for sale in the Windowo store.
Acrylic sealants for construction prices and offers for sale online
Acrylic sealants - find out which ones are best. Find the acrylic sealant you are looking for in the Windowo online store.
Features acrylic sealants
What differentiates an acrylic sealant from other types of sealants? Let's go and see together strengths and weaknesses.
Acrylic sealants have the following characteristics:
They can be painted over with water-based paints and varnishes;
They have good resistance to diluted acids and basic substances;
Poor resistance to solvents, oils and fuels;
Poor water resistance: apply outdoors only for vertical joints and indoors it is not recommended to use in bathrooms and kitchens near sanitary ware;
Working temperature of acrylic sealants: from -25 ° C to + 85 ° C;
Conditions of the substrate for clean and dust-free application
They also adhere to damp substrates;
Primer: dilute the same sealant with a little water and brush it on the sides of the joint so that it is absorbed by the porosity of the substrate.
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