Home automation lights and smart lighting products
Home automation lights: find out which are the best devices for intelligent lighting in your smart home. Sale of items related to the world of home automation lighting at low prices and on special offers.
Home automation lights: the best devices for intelligent lighting
Home automation lights : how to create the right atmosphere with a home automation lighting system? Don't want to have to get up every time to turn off or check the status of the lights in your home? Find out how to automate the lighting process and create environments that are easy to manage according to your needs.
Switch, voice control, touch screen, remote control or smartphone app: whichever system you choose, with the right product you can easily manage the switching on and off of the house lights.
The domotic management of the lights allows you to switch on a single light point or groups of lights, adjusting the level of light intensity and thus creating the perfect atmosphere in the rooms. For example, you can create areas with intelligent lighting and relaxing soft atmospheres for watching a movie or reading a book.
Create scenarios with home automation light functions
The home automation lighting management integrates easily with the various home automation functions available on the system. You will be able to create many scenarios by yourself to run according to your habits.
You can create an exit scenario (for example: turn off lights, lower shutters, set a lower temperature, activate the alarm); and an entrance scenario (for example: switch on entrance lights, deactivate the alarm, raise roller shutters, play a song on the playlist of your choice).
Home automation lighting: how to create an intelligent system
What are the characteristics of the Somfy devices to be able to create a home automation lighting system?
Connected devices work via wireless system. Connecting the device connected to the home network creates a connection between them and the smartphone. In this way, with a simple application you can control the lighting system.
Some devices also have a GPS function that allows us to reveal our position in the apartment, or outside the home; in this way the lighting will turn on a moment before your arrival avoiding to wriggle in the dark.
Interesting is the ability to connect lighting to voice assistants. You can control the lights comfortably by giving a voice command.
Sale at low prices home automation lights in special offer
By creating a complete home automation lighting system, the savings will be substantial over time (in energy consumption and in simplifying life). The cost will therefore be recovered over the years. It is an investment , not just a convenience.
How to save on home lighting automation?
The mission of home automation is to transform life by increasing well -being. In addition, savings are made in energy costs.
An easy way to save with home automation lighting is to adjust the intensity : the expense will decrease because we will not need a large light for the whole day.
The power on timer and GPS function will ensure that the light turns off once you leave the room, avoiding unnecessary waste.
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