Anti-theft bollards for downpipes: features and advantages
Unfortunately, statistics say that in Italy, especially in the Center and North, home burglaries are an increasingly widespread crime. The most experienced thieves study their victims and strike where they see the least risk of failure.
As an example we offer you this news article: "They climb on the gas pipes. Burglary in the house while they sleep" (source: La Nazione). If you pay attention to the daily news you will realize that this is not a rarity.
How to defend your home from these bad guys? Here's a simple move to start with: try inserting an obstacle that prevents pipes and gutters from going up. By installing anti-theft deterrents for downpipes, thieves will not have an easy time entering your home.
Anti-theft spikes on downspouts to stop thieves
"Iron spikes on downspouts and gas pipes to keep acrobatic thieves away." This is the advice of the Carabinieri of Merate to combat the wave of home thefts that is affecting the Brianza Lecco area. Click here to read the entire article (source: The Province of Lecco).
It is the police forces themselves who advise citizens to ward off criminals using anti-theft spikes on downspouts. The main objective of a barrier with anti-thief spikes is to convince people not to commit theft by preventing it.
Defend your home with gutter anti-intrusion deterrents
The anti-intrusion bollards for pipes and gutters that you find on sale on Windowo have quick and simple installation. These professional products are used to prevent attackers from accessing certain points to make unexpected "unpleasant visits".
If he encounters a large obstacle along the climb, thanks to our anti-intrusion crowns the thief will not be able to reach his destination.
Where to buy the best deterrent collars for downspouts?
The Windowo online store allows you to purchase a complete line of downpipe deterrent collars , with and without spikes, for the protection of homes.
Our large collection of collars with spikes includes specific models for securing pipes, balconies, windowsills, windows, perimeter walls, etc. In short, we have everything it takes to convince a thief to change his goal.
Price bollards : buy the best rain bollards at low prices in our online shop. Find various anti-intrusion systems for downpipes in special promotion among our burglar-proof devices.
Grimpo: a wide choice of deterrent collars for downpipes
The manufacturer of metal bollards with spikes for downspouts that we offer on Windowo is the Grimpo brand, the Italian leader in this type of article.
Grimpo is the company specialized in the production of tailor-made collars for pipes and gutters. We trust them because we have known the quality, resistance and reliability of the collar models they make for years. In fact, no customer has ever complained (but the thieves probably have).
With Grimpo products you will no longer have to fear home thefts and you will finally be able to feel safe. You can buy spikes for gutters on Windowo at an advantageous price: discover our offers on bollards with anti-theft spikes for downspouts.
Anti-theft bollards with spikes comply with the law
Fixing according to legal regulations must comply with certain rules : anti-theft bollards with anti-intrusion spikes must be mounted at a height sufficient to prevent people from injuring themselves.
The right of property, pursuant to Art. 832 of the Civil Code, gives its owner, the owner of the property, the right to provide suitable means to defend the property (such as deterrents for gutters aimed at causing offense to third parties who wish to cause disturbances to the enjoyment of property rights).
These means (barbed wire, fences with pointed bars, etc.) are defined as " officula " and are subject to the justification referred to in Art. 51 of the Criminal Code.
Therefore these devices are permitted by law, provided that these requirements exist:
- be in sight and not hidden;
- that are not seriously harmful (for example if they cause irreversible damage or death);
- that they do not cause harm to those who do not have aggressive intentions;
- that they are reported.
You can rest assured: a theft deterrent with spikes, if installed correctly, fully meets the requirements required by the justification referred to in Art. 51 of the Criminal Code.