Automation for doors and windows: which are the best professional products? In Windowo you can find for sale the automations for doors and windows made by the most famous Italian and international brands in the sector.
The term automation refers to what makes a machine work automatically (without human intervention).
The goal of automation is to replace man in repetitive and unhealthy tasks, or at least to reduce the need for intervention by a human operator.
Industrial automation uses technology to control production processes. In fact, an automation system identifies the production processes to be controlled, uses regulators as controllers, supervises these monitoring systems and finally provides data that can be exploited by man.
For us at Windowo, the most important part of this discipline is door and window automation, that is the devices that allow automatic movement of windows, shutters, shutters, doors, etc.
What are the types of automation for doors and windows?
The automations for doors and windows are many and different from each other, depending on the particular construction needs. In our window automation category, the widest part is certainly the vast range of window motors of many different types.
It ranges from classic chain motors for bottom hung opening, to rod or rack actuators with outward opening. Together with these models you can also buy control units and sensors to improve the automatic opening system.
If you are interested in automations for electric roller shutters then we recommend that you look at our collection of motors for rolling shutters. We will explain how to remove the roller and insert the new motor.
On the other hand, the systems that you find for sale in the shutter automation category allow the shutter to be motorized for various types of movement (swing, roller shutter, folding and many others).
In our opinion, the category dedicated to automation for gates is also very interesting. The goal is to create a system for opening a gate that is comfortable and safe, in complete collaboration between the motor, control unit, sensors and photocells.
Finally, Windowo also sells online products for sliding doors automation, garage motors and much more.
Window automation at the best prices on offer
Find the best prices in special offer on automatisms for opening windows. Thanks to the direct relationship with the famous Italian and international manufacturers we are sure of the convenience of our wide range of automations for doors and windows.
You will find that the products we sell are not only affordable, but also reliable and safe because they are made by brands you can definitely trust.
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