Chemical anchors for professional chemical anchoring
Chemical anchors: discover truly advantageous prices. Buy the best chemical anchors for drilling holes and professional chemical anchoring. Online sales in the Windowo shop: choose the chemical product for anchors best suited to your specific needs.
Chemical anchors prices and offers for sale online
Chemical anchors have revolutionized the construction industry, as chemical anchors are ideal on different materials, both solid and perforated.
In the Windowo shop you can find the best professional chemical anchors for sale online at prices on offer.
Chemical anchoring: what is it?
The chemical anchoring allows to fix the masonry, both compact and perforated, through threaded bars. These are fixed, not by friction or interlocking as happens for mechanical dowels, but through special rigid glues.
When is it convenient to use chemical anchors?
Chemical anchors are very useful when the tightness of the wall does not allow the classic mechanical anchor to be fixed. In fact, in some cases the insertion of mechanical anchors can crumble and flake the wall due to the pressure exerted to fix it.
Therefore the chemical anchoring foresees that the metal bar is fixed in the wall through a chemical process : the glue is inserted into the hole and, once hardened, blocks the screw.
What are the advantages of chemical anchors?
The chemical anchors are characterized by a great mechanical resistance and the hardening speed which occurs in a homogeneous way for the whole part to be fixed. Hardening times range from 3 minutes to 5/6 hours depending on the ambient temperature or if the hole is more or less wet.
The adhesives used for this type of chemical anchors are:
1. The bi-component resins in cartridge dispensed with a special gun that instantly mixes the 2 components of the resin.
We can divide the two-component chemical anchor resins into 3 types:
Polyester resins for artisanal use, light carpentry and installation of doors and windows: excellent on hollow bricks but not suitable for concrete;
Vinylester resins with greater mechanical resistance: they are used in construction, in heavy carpentry or in road works;
Very fluid epoxy resins : they are the most suitable to be injected into long holes, but have a slower hardening time.
2. The vials in specific doses that are introduced with the catalyst into the hole. Then with the drill the threaded bar is inserted, the vial breaks and hardening fixes the bar. The vial anchor can only be used on solid and compact materials.
Chemical anchors: how to choose the right one?
The choice of using a chemical or mechanical dowel depends on:
From the type of material to be fixed;
From the environmental conditions that affect the methods and times of hardening;
The type and weight of the load that the structure will have to support.
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