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Door handle finishes online guide

by Elia Caneppele 8 July 2020 commenti (1) scrivi commento

There are not only the black and satin chrome door handles: browse the complete guide to finishes

The world of door handles is vast and varied. In addition to the types, we can in fact catalog the handles by finish. Here you will find the most complete guide to finishings for handles on the web . To do this, we took as an example one of the many handle manufacturers we collaborate with: Colombo Design. In our opinion, they are really good examples of handles with different finishes. In addition to the typical shades, in fact, Colombo Design offers handles with particular finishes , such as the vintage shade (tending to orange).

How to read the door handle finishes guide?

The guide is really very simple and modern . Here's how to read it:
  1. Scroll down the page to find the finish you like;
  2. Alternatively, you can choose the color by clicking on the links below;
  3. In the images there are the numbers to which the model cards correspond;
  4. All handles can be purchased in our Windowo online store, where you can also find other Italian models and brands.

Discover all the available finishes:

handles finishes black online shop

Door handles in black and graphite color

Black is the finish of elegance. The handles with black finish are suitable for minimalist and essential design environments . If you're thinking these templates can be easy to use in black and white places, you'll want to think "out of the box". Let's leave aside the black-white combination of purists, and try to combine a beautiful black handle with furniture with bright finishes. You will see that you can obtain contaminations with creative and unexpected effects.
  1. Tecno by Momo Design
  2. Ellesse graphite
  3. Ellesse graphite mat
  4. Love graphite
  5. Graphite Alba
  6. Loves graphite mat

handles vintage finishes online shop

Door handles in vintage finish (bronze - orange)

Colombo Design also produces handles with vintage finishes (tending to orange) . Orange is a very energetic and lively color, so we recommend that you be careful when choosing these handles. They are not easy to match. They claim to be the center of attention. So how can they be used? Use them with decision! Don't hide them and don't mix them in the general chaos of your decor. Show them with balance and respect.
  1. Robotre
  2. Turn vintage
  3. Roboquattro vintage (ask)
  4. Roboquattro vintage mat (ask)
  5. Vintage Electra
  6. Turn vintage mat
  7. Electra vintage mat

handles satin chrome finishes online shop

Satin chrome finishes for modern doors

The classic never goes out of style. Here is the finish of the most modern design handles: satin chrome . Here we present some of the most beautiful satin handles by Colombo Design, sturdy, with contemporary and architectural shapes. They are "evergreen" handles that fit everywhere: office, home, public places. The satin chrome lasts over time, it is easy to wash, it is beautiful to look at. In the photo there is also the handle of the architect Michele De Lucchi : try to find it!
  1. Electra (designer Messineo - Settimelli)
  2. Ama (architect Andrea maffei)
  3. Isy (architects Bettonica - Leone)
  4. Gira (designer Jasper Morrison)
  5. Zelda (designer Massaud)
  6. Roboquattro
  7. Tool (architect Michele De Lucchi)
  8. Robotre

polished chrome finish handles online shop

Polished chrome handles

Another very popular finish among the design handles is polished chrome . The chrome handles are similar to the satin handles. the difference is that they are more suitable for indoor environments, especially modern offices and representative places. Probably the world is divided between those who love the glossy design and the satin design :) in fact, most of the handles are always available in at least these 2 versions.
  1. Isy (designer Betonica - Leone)
  2. Tool (architect Michele De Lucchi)
  3. Twitty (designer Tomo Kimura)
  4. Robotre
  5. Electra (designer Messineo - Settimelli)
  6. Roboquattro (ask)
  7. Ama (architect Andrea Maffei)
  8. Tecno by Momo Design

handles satin gold finish online shop

Handles with satin gold finish

We now come to the gold finishes of the door handles . Gold is a traditional finish, chosen by classic, albeit modern, handles. The satin gold version is certainly an interesting solution to combine with vintage and contemporary furnishings.
  1. Roboquattro
  2. Robotre

handles polished gold finishes online shop

Door handles in shiny gold color

Gold in its shiny, reflective splendor is therefore the ultimate handle finish in this guide . These are the most classic handles, suitable for particularly elegant and refined environments. In our opinion, however, all finishes have potential and the handles must be chosen carefully based on the space available, the effect to be obtained, the surrounding furnishings. If it is true, in fact, that the gold-colored handles are the most classic and traditional, it is also true that original and creative combinations can be created, simply by playing with the combinations.
  1. Flessa (designer Carlo Bartoli)
  2. Gira (designer Jasper Morrison)
  3. Twitty (designer Tomo Kimura)
  4. Robotre
  5. Roboquattro

Discover all the handle finishes available on Windowo

Go to the category of door handles . They are all produced by Italian brands, with quality materials and certified finishes.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Invia commento
Buonasera, che ci crediate o no, da venditore di maniglie con 20 anni di esperienza, posso dire di aver visto molte altre finiture per maniglie. Questa non è una guida completa, ma potrebbe sicuramente diventarlo. Complimenti comunque per lo sforzo. Saluti

Windowo: Ciao Claudio, grazie per il tuo commento. Questa guida verrà aggiornata e implementata nel tempo perciò... torna a trovarci :) Se hai dei suggerimenti puoi contattarci.
13 July 2020



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