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Eco-bonus 110% on windows: are they included?

by Elia Caneppele 14 May 2020 commenti (10) scrivi commento

Eco-bonus 110% on windows: are they included? Superbonus 2020 guide for renovations. The response of the window and door industry associations.

The new 2020 Relaunch Decree has finally arrived, which contains the Superbonus for construction with deductions of up to 110% . The expectations of the experts are very high: " A revolution for the economy and the environment ", so Riccardo Fraccaroi, the undersecretary to the presidency, defined the approval of the Superbonus at 110 per cent for energy efficiency and 'anti-seismic adaptation of homes.

Will it therefore be possible to take advantage of these revolutionary deductions to change the windows of the house? Are windows included in the new Ecobonus and Superbonus with a 110% rate for renovations? Read on to learn more.

Eco-bonus 110% on windows: are they included? Superbonus 2020 guide

Fraccaroi explains: " The 110% superbonus will allow the improvement of the energy class and the safety of homes to be carried out at no cost to citizens. Citizens who carry out these works will obtain a tax deduction equal to 110% of the sum spent. o the total discount on the invoice by transferring the tax credit to the company that carried out the work. The companies in turn will be able to assign the credit indefinitely to suppliers and even banks, obtaining immediate liquidity. "

All very nice ... but perhaps only in words. In reality, according to the windows and building envelope companies, the Relaunch Decree could mean paralysis for entire industrial sectors. Why should this bad situation occur? Let's go and see it together in this Windowo guide dedicated to the operation of the 110% Ecobonus on windows .

How does the 2020 super bonus on renovations work? When will it start?

The 110% super bonus for energy and anti-seismic redevelopment interventions has the habitual objective of relaunching building activity. How? By increasing the tax deduction rate for interventions in the field of energy efficiency, reduction of seismic risk, installation of photovoltaic systems and installation of columns for charging electric vehicles.

When? All this for expenses incurred from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021. You can take advantage of the tax bonus in 5 equal installments and it is possible to transfer the accrued credit to the banks (or to ask the company for a discount on the invoice. who carries out the work).

To find out even more, we recommend that you also read our Ecobonus 2020 article in the Official Gazette which explains in a simple and quick way who are the beneficiaries of the Ecobonus 110% and which jobs are admitted.

Are the windows included in the 110% eco-bonus?

WARNING! Here is the big flaw of this bonus: at the moment only large-scale interventions are included and not small renovations.

The facilitation of the assignment of the tax credit also includes minor interventions , such as the renovation of windows and fixtures , solar shading, insulation interventions, heat pumps, building automation systems, solar collectors, but with deductions between 50 and 65%. These interventions will therefore not be able to benefit from the 110 percent eco-bonus.

The response of the window and door industry associations

Having taken note of the above, the associations of the window and door sector and building envelope have sent a letter to the Prime Minister and the Government. According to these experts in the window and door sector, the increase in the deduction rates for the eco-bonus exclusively aimed at undefined overall energy redevelopment interventions of buildings could be a measure that is not only useless but even harmful for the entire country . Now we will go into their motivations in detail.

In fact, as the 2020 Relaunch Decree was created, individual interventions including the replacement of windows and sun screens are excluded from the increase in the deduction rates . This would risk condemning thousands of SMEs to inactivity for several months. The measure is in fact aimed at condominium operations, procedures and conditions and bound to the carrying out of specific interventions. Elements that have in themselves all the characteristics of non-immediacy.

This is why this measure will probably not spark any immediate demand and could instead have the terrible effect of slowing down or blocking for months even the already small intention of changing windows and screens by Italian families.

Solutions to help window manufacturers and those who want to change windows

At the time of writing this guide, the signatory associations of this appeal are clamoring for the integration in the possible increased rate of 110% of all the types of intervention envisaged up to now in the tax deduction regime for the energy requalification of buildings. Alternatively, they suggest introducing measures that reward all interventions in the short term, starting with the most agile and immediate.

Only through these changes, at least according to the associations of the world of windows, will it be possible to avert the disaster of an entire sector.

Our conclusions on the relationship between windows and bonuses 110 percent

We have seen that the Ecobonus and the Superbonus 110% are controversial topics that will probably see new implications in the near future. At the moment many interventions involving fixtures may not get the much desired 110 percent bonus. We at Windowo are always on the side of window makers and those who work for windows . For this reason, we hope for the probable extension of the conditions that will be indicated in the coming months.

Finally, we would like to clarify that many of the topics covered in this guide are still being defined. For this reason, we recommend that you keep up to date on the subject and always get advice from experts who are prepared on the latest news on the subject.

We hope our guide was useful to you. If you are interested in the subject, we recommend that you keep an eye on the Windowo blog : we publish many guides and news dedicated to the world of fixtures every day! For any clarification on the topics covered in this article you can contact us: we are at your complete disposal.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce and blogs, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Below I leave you the links to my social networks: I can't wait to get in touch with you personally.

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Salve ho sostituito le mie vecchie finestre 3 anni fa' con delle finestre in pvc con detrazione 65%, io abito in una trifamigliare e siamo intenzionati ad eseguire i lavori di ristrutturazione per lecobonus 110% ,gli altri 2 proprietari non avendo sostituito agli infissi verranno messi nuovi rispettando la trasmittanza termica consentita sul territorio io invece avendo una detrazione in atto mi hanno detto che non posso sostituirli anche se sono di qualità bassa .chiedevo posso fare installare le tapparelle con schermatura solare dato che le mie sono vecchie in pvc? Per riparare meglio i miei infissi ,Ho visto che nell'ecobonus rientra questo tipo di intervento ma non so se deve essere abbinato alla sostituzione di nuovi infissi grazie.
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Grazie per le informazioni. Ora so che devo aspettare per cambiare gli infissi di casa mia!

Windowo: Grazie a te Alessandro, ci fa molto piacere che la guida sia stata utile.
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Si, in effetti l'ecobonus 110% dovrebbe valere anche per la sostituzione dei soli infissi. Da vari anni sto cercando di migliorare la classe energetica della mia casa in quanto sono molto convinto che bisogni fare qualcosa per l'ambiente. Ho iniziato con la caldaia a condensazione e valvole termostatiche sui radiatori, ho fatto fare il semicappotto ai muri esterni con isolamento termico all'interno, ho messo l'impianto fotovoltaico.... ora era il momento degli infissi... ma non potrò usufruire dell'ecobonus del 110% perché vale solo per lavori più importanti. Ma io ho già fatto precedentemente tutto quello che potevo per il miglioramento energetico della casa. Penso sia giusto tenere in considerazione i lavori pregressi per poter usufruire del nuovo ecobonus. Cordiali saluti.
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Non è proprio cosi se abbinati a interventi più corposi tipo cappotto termico, fanno parte anch'essi del 110%, Considerando che ci deve essere una miglioria di 2 classi energetiche, anche senza il vincolo del cappotto termico, non sarebbero rientrati. Bisogna fare cappotto termico o pdc, alzare 2 classi termiche, a questo si può abbinare qualsiasi intervento di ecobonus e sarà tutto 110%
14 May 2020



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