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Guide to buying handles online

by Elia Caneppele 24 July 2024 commenti (3) scrivi commento

Here is the guide to buying handles quickly and easily!

How to buy door and window handles? With Windowo you can find the most beautiful handles in a few clicks ,   but without help you risk making the wrong model, size or finish.

Don't worry: thanks to our simple guide you will avoid making mistakes. Buying new handles has never been easier!

If you wish, you can also watch the video " DOOR HANDLES: 5 things to know to avoid making a mistake in the purchase ":

DOOR HANDLES: 5 things to know to avoid making a mistake in the purchase

The functioning of the door handles on the escutcheon and the plate is the same. Only the aesthetics change. In the example you can see the Glamor Linea Calì handles for sale on Windowo.

difference handles rosette plate

Handles on rose : the handles on rose have the handle separated from the key hole. They are more modern and therefore you can choose from many models, especially design handles. To get an idea, we recommend that you look in our category of handles on rosette.

Plate handles: the plate handles have the handle connected to the key hole by the so-called plate. This type of handles is going out of style so there is less choice. However, many beautiful collections remain, especially of classic and antique handles.
The hole where you insert the key to open the door can be of two types:

difference hole patent yale

Key / patent hole : it is used for interior door handles of the house.
Yale hole : used for door handles and armored doors. A safety cylinder is applied to this type of handles.
Then there is the nozzle with the variant for toilet with open-closed pawl.

Attention : locks are not to be confused with door handles! On Windowo you can buy many types of locks and various brands of handles.
There is no better material for door handles than the other: it depends on the use and style of the furniture. Here are the main ones:

Bronze Handles : They are corrosion resistant, durable, sturdy and with antibacterial properties. Bronze is suitable for handles that are used a lot. It has many natural shades and improves over time, so it is suitable for classic collections. If you like these handles, we recommend the Linea Calì bronze handles available on Windowo.

sale of bronze handles

Brass handles : these are the traditional classic handles. Brass is highly antibacterial, resistant and elegant. It has a pleasant gold-like color with various shades. However, it corrodes easily so it is recommended for interior doors and needs constant cleaning. An example you can find on Windowo is the collection of Antologhia brass handles .

brass handles for sale

Aluminum handles : they are resistant, light and ideal for design handles. Aluminum is highly recyclable, pleasant to the touch and creates an elegant patina. However, it is susceptible to scratches and abrasions, so it is often anodized to protect it.

Stainless steel handles : they are a guarantee of excellence. Stainless steel is modern and refined, perfect for design handles. It is also resistant to corrosion and scratches, so it is suitable for handles that are used a lot and for public places. In this case we recommend the PBA brand of stainless steel handles and pull handles .

sale of stainless steel handles

Wrought iron handles : some artistic foundries still produce wrought iron handles, handmade in an artisanal way and perfect for rustic furniture. If you like these handles we recommend you to see the Galbusera wrought iron handles or the Ferart handcrafted handles .

sale of wrought iron handles

Concrete handles : finally there are also handles made of concrete. Get to know better the Juno Mandelli concrete handles , very special, perfect if you love refined design and architecture.

sale of concrete handles
The handles are sold ready for installation. In the package that arrives at home you will find:
  • Handle
  • Rosette (or plate)
  • Nozzle of your choice
  • Painting

Important : Unless otherwise stated, door handles are sold in pairs , so don't be scared if the price may seem higher. The price includes two handles. Window handles, on the other hand, are sold individually.
Window handles can be:

window handles types

DK Dry Keep handles : open tilt or turn.
Hammer handles:
Cremonese handles : with variable clearance system.
The photo shows the Valli & Valli Supersonic window handles.
During the online purchase of door handles you will need to indicate:
  • Square (the standard one is 8 mm);
  • Key hole distance (for handles on plate).

If you have difficulty giving this information we recommend that you send us an email to .
The most common door handle finishes are:

Polished Chrome Handles : The chromed handles with a polished chrome finish are very modern. If you like this finish we recommend the Colombo Design design handles .

sale of polished chrome handles

Satin chrome handles : the chrome handles with matt chrome finish are of an elegant modern taste. A beautiful brand of handles with a satin chrome finish is Valli & Valli .

sale of satin chrome handles

Polished Brass Handles : Handles with a polished brass finish are often chosen for classic and modern homes. Linea Calì produces very special brass handles.

sale of polished brass handles

Satin brass handles : the handles with matt brass finish are ideal for classy buildings and residences. If you are interested in this finish, we recommend the Frosio Bortolo brand of luxury satin brass handles .

sale of satin brass handles
The most common handles are those on the plate and rosette. Then there are other types such as:

Sliding door handles : they are recessed into the thickness of the sliding door and therefore do not take up space. Visit the Windowo category for the sale of handles for sliding doors . In the example you can see the 3C Sicma sliding handles.

sale of handles for sliding doors

Door knobs : it is a very particular type of handle that certainly characterizes an environment. Look at the door knobs for sale on Windowo. In the example you can see some Linea Calì door knobs.

sale of door knobs

Furniture Handles : Companies that manufacture door handles often also produce furniture handles. There are modern and classic ones. Discover all the furniture handles for sale on Windowo.

sale of handles for furniture

Furniture knobs: finally, a particular version for furniture includes knobs, knobs or knobs. There are many shapes and colors. Buy beautiful furniture knobs online. In the example, some collections of Linea Calì knobs.

sale of furniture knobs online shop

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce and blogs, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Below I leave you the links to my social networks: I can't wait to get in touch with you personally.

Invia commento
Buon pomeriggio! Ho le porte in legno con maniglie su placca ma non mi piacciono! Si possono sostituire con maniglie a rosetta? Grazie ???? Cordiali saluti, Sonia

Windowo: Sì Sonia, se lo desideri lo puoi fare. Il rischio è che se la porta è un po' rovinata si vede...
15 November 2020
Ho delle maniglie su placca da sostituire... grazie per le informazioni! Ora potrò ordinarmele da sola senza problemi.
4 May 2020
Ottimo finalmente grazie a voi ho capito la differenza tra foro chiave patent e yale! Grazie mille
18 October 2019



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