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Guide to buying mosquito nets

by Elia Caneppele 2 March 2023 commenti (6) scrivi commento

Mosquito nets: online buying guide. What are the best models for doors and windows?

Buying mosquito nets online allows you to save time and money . The important thing is to do it in safety and tranquility , perhaps taking small precautions.

Since mosquito nets are made to measure , taking measurements is perhaps the most delicate part of the whole process. Anyone can do it because you don't need any particular manual skills. Thanks to this simple guide you will discover how easy it is to order your new mosquito nets!

If you wish you can also watch our video guide :
" CUSTOMIZED MOSQUITO NETS for sale online - How to measure and save! "

Custom-made mosquito nets for sale online in the Windowo shop

Mosquito nets can be of two main types:

mosquito nets for doors and windows difference
  • Mosquito nets for doors : these are mosquito nets that open from left to right or vice versa, ie with lateral scrolling ;
  • Mosquito nets for windows : these are mosquito nets that open from the bottom upwards, that is, vertically sliding .

To buy a mosquito net online you will need to indicate the measurements in millimeters of base and height, specifying whether the measurement is finished or compartment:
  • Finished size (i.e. the exact size of the hole) : the mosquito net will be supplied with the same measures ordered ;
  • Compartment size : the mosquito net will be supplied with 2-3 mm less base and height. This is the system we recommend since it is the manufacturer himself who pulls away the space he deems most appropriate.
mosquito nets how to take measurements
So, in summary:

If you choose compartment size (or light) - highly recommended:
Base: indicates the smallest measure between L1 and L2;
Height: indicates the smallest measurement between A1 and A2.

If you choose finished size:
Base: indicate the compartment measurement as width and remove about 2/3 mm;
Height: indicates the space measurement as height and subtracts about 2/3 mm.
The golden rule to keep in mind is that if the mosquito net is too large in relation to the compartment where it will be inserted, it will be unusable . The only solution will be to do it again. So when you take the measurements you must remember to always provide us with the smallest measurements if in doubt . For example, if the floor base (L2) is 2000 mm and the ceiling base (L1) is 1997 mm, you will need to provide us with the second (smallest) measurement.

Don't worry if there are small differences: it is normal that the walls are not perfectly aligned. If the walls are out of square up to 6-7 mm there will be no problems during the installation phase.

If the differences between L1 and L2 or between A1 and A2 are greater than 6-7 mm, we recommend that you purchase an insect screen equipped with telescopic hoods and notify us of this irregularity when ordering by writing it to us in the customer's notes.

If you want to understand better, read the article "How to measure mosquito nets" .
The mosquito nets sold on Windowo come with assembly instructions and are easy to assemble. There are also several explanatory videos available. However, if you have any problems, we recommend that you contact a professional, or you can write to us at .
It depends on the size of the box , i.e. the upper part of the mosquito net that is normally placed on the ceiling of the compartment. If you need a mosquito net that takes up little space (minimum footprint) we recommend the Mini Bettio model for windows and Picoscenica Bettio for French windows and balconies. Both of these model can be purchased on Windowo.
Of course they exist. Mosquito nets without floor guide are ideal for those who have walking problems, for families with children and, in general, for those who love order and aesthetics. If you are looking for a model of this type, we recommend the insect screens of the Scenica family (Scenica, Miniscenica evo and Picoscenica) available on Windowo in the version with one or two doors.

sale of mosquito net without floor guide
It depends on the brand. Bettio mosquito nets, for example, are available in many finishes to choose from, from lighter painted colors such as ivory and white, to more classic colors such as green and brown. Then there are special wood film finishes that you can combine with the windows of the house.

what finishes exist for mosquito nets
Pleated mosquito nets are a particular type of mosquito net whose net folds like an accordion . When the mosquito net is in operation, the net is tight. On the other hand, when the mosquito net is packed it creates a pleasant zigzag effect until it hides in the box. If you like this type of mosquito nets we recommend the Plissè model produced by the company Zanzar Sistem. Look at the pleated mosquito nets for sale on Windowo .

pleated mosquito nets what they are how they work
For French windows we recommend the Scenica Bettio insect screen . This mosquito net is preferred over others because it has no floor space and works by sliding on a "tank" , that is a series of wheels that do not need reference guides. Discover the Scenica Bettio mosquito net!

Another advantage is that it works simply without a spring . To open and close it, just move it as if it were a sliding door. When you go from one side to the other, not having the spring, there is no risk of it suddenly opening. This makes it even safer and recommended for families with children.

best selling mosquito net Scenica Bettio
For windows: Rosy Bettio mosquito net . This vertical sliding insect screen is sold with many options that are not standard in other models of insect screens . Some options improve the use of the product, such as the click-clack opening to close the mosquito net with a click. Discover the Rosy Bettio mosquito net !

The other most important advantage is that it can also be installed on walls with out of square . Thanks to a system of telescopic hoods and guides (standard) you can mount it on walls that have strong irregularities (between base and height or between left and right side).

mosquito net best selling rosy bettio

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce and blogs, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Below I leave you the links to my social networks: I can't wait to get in touch with you personally.

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