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How to change the roller shutter rope?

by Elia Caneppele 13 February 2025 commenti (1) scrivi commento

How to change the roller shutter rope in 5 minutes? Find out how to remove the old roller shutter belt quickly and easily.

Change roller shutter rope: do you have a roller shutter in the house that locks and does not go down to the bottom? Over time, the roller shutter rope strap can be damaged by rubbing.

It may seem difficult to change the string of roller shutters, but it's actually a quick and easy job. Even if you are not a DIY lover and you always have to resort to professional experts for every maintenance job in the house.

Today we will see that changing the roller shutter string seems like a difficult job, but thanks to this guide you can do it yourself in five minutes.

I am Elia Caneppele, author and founder of Windowo. In a few steps with my little guide on how to change the roller shutter rope you can replace the roller shutter rope in 5 minutes, saving on the labor of the specialized technician.

How to change the roller shutter rope in 5 minutes

What material is needed to change the roller shutter string?

Broken roller shutter rope? Let's roll up our sleeves and see together how to replace the roller shutter rope.

What do we need? Here is the list of the material you need to have:
  • Ladder, which should be safe and stable;
  • Strap (or strap) of the right width (you can find it in the roller shutter accessories category);
  • Screwdriver to open roller shutter boxes, very useful if you have one of the screwed type;
  • Wooden wedge, flat-blade screwdriver, or something to lock the wheel;
  • Cutter;
  • Scissors;
  • 4 hands: yours and those of an assistant.

How to change the roller shutter rope: here's what you need to do

Running time: 3 to 5 minutes.
  1. Roll up the roller shutter : Start by completely rolling up the roller shutter, so that the roller shutter is fully raised;
  2. Remove the cover : unscrew the screws of the roller shutter box, if it is equipped with them. If the lid is sliding, check before proceeding that it is not locked in place by old layers of paint. If so, just engrave with the cutter. Then just tap along the perimeter of the box and you can make it slide;
  3. Lock the pulley : with a wooden wedge or a screwdriver you will make sure to lock the pulley, that is the large metal wheel on which the rope is wound. Insert the wedge between the wall and the wheel to create friction and prevent movement.
  4. Untie the knot of the rope that you should see in front of you. Looking at the wheel you will find it on its inner side, pull it out slightly with your fingers or a screwdriver;
  5. With the belt loose, let it rewind , guiding it with your fingers towards the belt guide rollers or belt passers;
  6. Free the reel : unscrew the cover plate of the wall reel so that you can see the part underneath. Then you will completely unscrew the winder and take it out of its walled housing. Let the spring unwind;
  7. Free the old strap : since the spring reel is completely unloaded, you can free the strap present by unscrewing the locking screw that tightens it on the wheel;
  8. Adjust the new string : climb the ladder with the new string still to be cut to size and pass it through the belt guide rollers.
  9. Make a new knot : when it is inside the dumpster, pass it through the slot in the pulley from where you removed the old rope and proceed to re-tie the knot. After making sure you hold it well, you will get a hand from a helper;
  10. Unlock the pulley : While the helper firmly grips the rope off the ladder, you will take care of removing the wedge that blocked the wheel against the wall.
  11. Lower the shutter : you are then ready to lower the shutter. Very calmly and carefully, lower the cloth to its base.
  12. Cut the strap to size : take the winder entry slot as a reference. The new strap should exceed this reference by approximately 40 cm.
  13. Screw the strap onto the small wheel (the pulley below) of the spring reel. Put the strap in the entry slot and with your hands rewind the spring wheel by making at least two tens of turns. ATTENTION * : the loaded spring is strong, so be careful in this operation because if it escapes from your hands it could hit you.
  14. Put the winder back in place : once the roller shutter rope has settled, you can reintroduce the winder into its winding. Screw the rewinder and the cover plate back on;
  15. Check that it works : raise and lower the shutter to check that it works correctly and that it is in place inside the box;
  16. Conclude by settling : once you have verified that everything is working you can close the bin and tidy up. Good job!

ATTENTION * point 13: how to safely screw the roller shutter rope?

It is better to dwell on this point in particular. Depending on the type of winder you can use two modes:
  • Winder with fixing screw on the strap : find the point where the old one was screwed and put the screw (after having pierced the new strap with this). Squeeze tightly and then you can release the spring;
  • Fixed pin reel : make a vertical cut at the end of the strap and use the buttonhole to secure it on the pin. The spring tension will hold the strap in place.

Changing the roller shutter rope: accessories

On the Windowo website you can find online roller shutter accessories to replace the roller shutter belt and insulate the roller shutter box.

Thanks to this guide, you now know how to change the roller shutter rope in a few minutes. If it was interesting you can share it with your friends.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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