Window and door craftsmen school: here's how to start training to become a window craftsman.
window fitter is a specialized craftsman who knows
how to make and install window frames (in wood, aluminum or PVC). A professional window fitter also takes care of maintenance and replacement of old window frames that do not work or are no longer performing.
The window and door fitter is a
highly sought-after professional figure in the current job market. The employment opportunities are as an employee in companies that produce window and door frames, in companies that sell and install them in homes, but there is also the possibility of working alone and independently.
Knowing the importance that architectural elements such as doors and windows play within the building envelope, you can imagine how important
training for window and door fitters is.
However, it may not be so easy to understand how to start and what steps to take if you decide to undertake this career path. In this article I will explain how to start your
professional career as a window fitter.
Training for window fitters: why is it so important?
Until recently, the term training was used only as a reference in the academic field. Degrees and vocational diplomas represented a point of arrival because they were intended as the beginning of a second phase of life after school. This vision has had its day.
Today the worker is called to continue to specialize and keep up to date to be noticed, chosen and hired. For this reason it is necessary to be more curious than other people, to have much more than the majority to elbow and find one's way in the world of work.
In this sense, the window and door sector is no different from the rest of the working world. You, the aspiring window and door fitter, will have to be the first to be "hungry" for knowledge.
Training for window fitters can be defined as a set of multidisciplinary teaching tools that prepare for a qualified job made from multiple aspects.
Among the phases related to the work on doors and windows we can mention the most important ones:
- sale,
- design,
- realization,
- assembly,
- installation,
- maintenance.
But how do you become a window fitter? Is there a school for window fitters? Those who run a window and door company or a showroom are constantly engaged in improving the level of their professional training.
If you want to become a window and door fitter, and you don't know where to start, we recommend starting online at Windowo. Read on to learn more.
Where to find the first study texts for window fitters?
The training to become a window fitter is technical. The beauty of the internet is that you can learn about any topic, including professional training for window fitters.
In the Windowo online store, completely specialized in products for doors and windows, you can easily find different tools for training window fitters:
- Manuals on window frames and guides on issues related to the sector
- Courses for window fitters, video lessons and webinars;
- Newspapers about windows and doors.
For example, on sale on Windowo there is a manual completely dedicated to the sale of windows and doors and to avoid subsequent unpaid bills, disputes or complaints. There is also a guide on how to perform a qualified installation during the replacement of high energy efficiency windows.
What to do after I have informed myself online?
Once you have started your self-study online, your journey to becoming a professional window fitter has just begun. You must not stop but move on to the next steps.
Thanks to internships and placements in companies, students can immediately begin entering the world of work.
Then there are
companies specialized in training window fitters, where the most complicated topics of the profession are explained in class. You will be able to attend a professional course that will train you as a true window professional.
courses for window and door fitters provide very broad skills on window and door frames: structural elements, characteristics of materials, traditional and innovative technical solutions, installation regulations, critical aspects from a thermal or acoustic point of view and much more.
A properly done school for window fitters also includes practical exercises to learn how to use software, products and equipment.
Conclusions on window and door fitters training
Like any craftsman's job, to become an expert window fitter you need to do a lot of practice. If you are good at manual work and appreciate seeing concrete results, this path can give you great satisfaction.
The message I would like to leave you with is that in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world of work, you can never think of stopping because you know enough. On the contrary, you will be the one
who will have to aim to improve yourself every day to find new stimuli!