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Window motors? We suggest the 6 best Italian producers

by Elia Caneppele 27 March 2020 commenti (0) scrivi commento

Are you looking for window motors? We suggest the best 6 Italian producers

Window motors are electrical devices that are used to open and close windows automatically, but certain models can also be used to move doors, domes and sun blades. If you want to open and close a window that cannot be reached with your hands, you must necessarily use an electric motor. These motors are called "actuators" in technical jargon and are made by various manufacturers including various Italian companies specialized in automation.

To immediately see all the automations for doors and windows for sale on Windowo click here . If, on the other hand, you are interested in finding out which are the best Italian manufacturers of window motors ... continue reading our guide!

motors for windows best Italian manufacturers

We have previously published an article to understand which window motor model to buy . Today we decided to do something a little different: we would like to advise you in choosing the brand of window motors. We will only offer you companies that work in Italy, famous in the automation sector. They are recognized professionals, people who work every day to improve the technical characteristics of their models. This is why we have decided to list the best window motor manufacturers.

Motors for windows

Why have we created a list of the best window motor manufacturers? First of all not because we want to create a sort of official guide: we do not pretend to give a solution that is perfect for your needs that we know nothing about.

At the same time, however, we believe in the quality of the selection. And for this it can be convenient to have in one place a list of the best window motor manufacturers .

Furthermore, over the years we have realized how important it is to install only top quality motors. Not only because they last longer, but also because of the possibility of easily finding spare parts.

ATTENTION: in this article we will recommend certain models of window motors. We will always link the 230v version, perfect for home power. If you are interested in a direct current voltage you can search for the corresponding 24v version of each motor on Windowo.

FUN FACT: speaking of voltage, did you know that the Volt was named in honor of Alessandro Volta? In fact, the Italian physicist made several fundamental studies in the field of electricity.

Nekos: window motors open to innovation

Official site:
Headquarters: Colceresa (VI) - Italy

The Windowo shop has been offering Nekos brand window motors online for years. Not only for the quality of the materials with which they produce their models, but also for the great willingness to solve any kind of problem that may arise. The Nekos motor that we most recommend is the Kato , a chain motor with a great quality / price ratio. If our customers need spare parts or special components, the Nekos staff is always ready to help us. In short, the main objective of the Nekos company is really to make the user happy and satisfied!

For further information: discover all Nekos window motors

WAY Mingardi, automatic opening for doors and windows

Official site:
Headquarters: Galliera (BO) - Italy

Mingardi is one of the first brands of window motors and certainly one of the best known manufacturers in the sector. This fame has been created over the years with hard work, careful dedication to customer needs and thanks to the long durability of the models produced. If you need to replace an existing engine that has been working reliably for at least 30 years ... it will probably be a Mingardi!

For further information: discover all WAY Mingardi window motors

Ultraflex Control Systems (UCS), from boating to windows

Official site:
Headquarters: Busalla (GE) - Italy

Ultraflex is also a well-known manufacturer among professionals working in the world of window motors. They provide excellent solutions for handling very heavy frames (skills obtained working in the nautical sector). The staff of the Ultraflex company, with whom we have been collaborating for years, are always very helpful and prepared ... and this is one more reason to buy their actuators.

For further information: discover all Ultraflex (UCS) window motors

Aprimatic, a complete range of automations

Official site:
Headquarters: Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO) - Italy

The name betrays the company's mission: to provide practical solutions for the automatic opening of windows. The window motors offered by the manufacturer Aprimatic have really competitive prices. We particularly recommend the Varia chain model , which is always in great demand by customers who come to us.

For further information: discover all Aprimatic window motors

Topp: systems for the automation of doors and windows

Official site:
Headquarters: Sandrigo (VI) - Italy

The search for the natural balance between functionality and design: this is the ambitious goal of the Topp company. We can only recommend their window motors, especially the C30 model with double link articulated chain. One of the most important reasons for choosing to buy a Topp motor is the competence of their technical department, always ready to help us in advising customers in the best possible way. Another good reason for choosing Topp products is that they are always quick to provide us with any spare parts or to make repairs in case of breakdowns (with electricity, problems are not uncommon!).

For further information: discover all Topp window motors

Chiaroscuro, to move shutters and blinds

Official site:
Headquarters: Ala (TN) - Italy

" Last but not least" we could not fail to add the guys from Chiaroscuro, a phenomenal team that has been helping us automatically move our customers' shutters and blinds for years. We particularly recommend the Slide 80 model, the automation kit for sliding shutters.

For further information: discover all the motors for Chiaroscuro blinds and blinds

Where can I find motors made by these manufacturers?

All these manufacturers make a series of models to try to meet the needs of the end user. If you are interested in buying window motors you can search for them on Windowo. We can help you in your choice, if you have any doubts you cancontact us and read the information contained in the product sheets that we offer.

If you are looking for a chain window motor go here.

If you are looking for a rod window motor click here.

If you want a cogwheel motor you can go here.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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