Colombo Design: Italian production of door, window and furniture handles
Colombo Design produces door, window and furniture handles and bathroom accessories. Creativity, know-how, attention to detail, manufacturing excellence and production on the territory are distinctive elements of Colombo Design door handles, recognised for the quality of its Made in Italy products and designed in collaboration with important designers and architecture studios. Special online prices on Windowo.
Colombo Design handles for doors and windows for sale online
Colombo handles produced in Italy are famous for their quality: since 1991 Colombo Design has been producing interior door handles and windows that are distributed all over the world according to criteria of excellence.
The Colombo handles collection also includes many pull handles, recessed handles and various accessories such as escutcheons, rosettes, doorstops and ratchets, available in different handle finishes, to finish all types of furniture.
Colombo Design produces handles for doors, windows and bathroom furniture and accessories
The Colombo Design handle factory offers a wide selection of high quality accessories , with the aim of satisfying all types of customers. Finding the most suitable Colombo Design handle is not an easy task: the variety of shapes, materials and colors makes the choice an exercise in style. And style is what is not lacking in Colombo Design handles!
Creativity, attention to detail, manufacturing excellence and production on Italian territory are distinctive elements of the Colombo Design catalog. Discover the quality of the entirely Made in Italy products designed in collaboration with the most important designers and architectural firms worldwide.
Colombo Design handles is a family tradition
Today, interior door handles are seen not only as a functional element with a practical purpose, but as real protagonists of the house capable of highlighting the style of doors, windows and entire rooms.
Colombo Design handles is always close to you. Just as a family looks after its members with love and dedication, so Colombo Design takes care of its products ... with the same values and the same traditions.
To make any room a home, you must never compromise on authenticity. Colombo is a contemporary manifesto of being creative, curious and experimental.
Colombo Design Handles: creativity of designers and archistars
Colombo handles are small sculptures that have stimulated the creativity of designers and archistars. They are truly able to give personality to the doors, underlining the richness of particular doors.
With the important goal of designing and building the most beautiful design door handles in the world, Colombo Design presents an important "team" of renowned international designers:
Mauro Ronchi, Claesson Koivisto Rune, Marco Acerbis, Angeletti Ruzza Design, Bartoli Design, Paolo Cattaneo Momodesign, Luta Bettonica and Giancarlo Leone, Andrea Castrignano, Luca Colombo, Efrem Bonacina and Giovanni Moro, Konstantin Grcic, Jean Marie Massaud, Francesco Lucchese, Makio Hasuike, Messineo and Settimelli, Michele De Lucchi, Jasper Morrison, Marco Piva, Spalvieri & Del Ciotto, Pio & Tito Toso, Team3, Piet Billekens, Studio Kairos, Tomo Kimura, Paolo Pininfarina, Alberto Meda, Architecture Laboratory, Gianluigi Landoni, Ambrogio Rossari, Birgit Lohmann Designboom, Di Blasi Associati, Giulio Ripamonti.
With a Colombo handle it is time for Green Made
The Colombo catalog is designed with attention to the environment, with the aim of avoiding waste, using high quality materials and latest generation paints.
In fact, Green Made means thinking, designing and producing in harmony with the environment. The production processes are the result of a global attention to environmental protection.
Every single phase of Colombo Maniglie design and production is carefully analyzed in terms of environmental impact and every subsequent choice dictated by the achievement of eco-compatibility objectives.
"Development is sustainable if it meets the needs of present generations without compromising the possibilities for future generations to meet their own needs."
(Brundtland Report, United Nations, 1987)
The great excellence of Made in Italy handles
The production of Colombo Design accessories takes place in northern Italy at the headquarters in Terno d'Isola, in the province of Bergamo.
The Colombo handle brand , synonymous with Italian quality, is renowned all over the world. For this reason, a Colombo handle is a perfect entrance ticket for an Italian-style home.
During the design phases, a lot of attention is given to ergonomics, to ensure comfortable grips both in thin and minimal models, and when working with larger volumes.
The high-tech workings allow you to range with unusual shapes and different types of materials, such as the use of wood with metal or perhaps to match the handle to the door with precision.
Colombo handles discounted prices and offers online on Windowo
Would you like to buy a Colombo Design handle? You can find many Colombo modern handles at unmissable prices right here on Windowo. browse through the different product sheets and discover the offers.
The whole world of the best brands of Italian handles, and in particular the Colombo Design handles, can be found on offer on Windowo.
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