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Liquid Waterproofing for Floor Idrogenius

  • Brands: Cimar
£ 30,64
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1 Liter Waterproofing Floor - Transparent and Liquid - Idrogenius Cimar

Idrogenius Cimar is a transparent waterproofing product for floors which acts by penetrating the porosity of the substrate with the formation of a water-repellent, invisible, vapor-permeable microporous membrane.

By sealing the macropores, this barrier determines the water-repellency of the substrate to rainwater.

In fact, the waterproofing Idrogenius   it does not close the micropores and allows the passage of steam.

Impermeabilizzante per Pavimento Trasparente Liquido Idrogenius
  • Colors: transparent;
  • Substrates: flooring;
  • Tools: brush, roller, airless;
  • Quantity: 1 liter.

Consumption, values on different surfaces for 1 Lt of product
  • porous surfaces: approx. 10 m2 (concrete, concrete, etc.);
  • medium porous surfaces: approx. 15 sqm (tiles, grés, etc.);
  • slightly porous surfaces approx. 20 sqm (klinker, etc.).

Waterproofing the floor is easy with Idrogenius Cimar

Specific for ceramic, grés, stone, klinker, terracotta, beaten concrete, reinforced concrete and wood floors.

It permeates the support creating, in its substrate, a breathable barrier , impermeable to water.

Features and uses transparent waterproofing for floors

  • Ready-to-use, water-repellent solvent-based impregnating agent for walkable floors;
  • Specific for supports in ceramic, grés, stone, klinker, terracotta, beaten concrete, reinforced concrete, wood;
  • It is an easy to lay and quick application product. It does not form a film but acts only under the floor, forming a waterproof and long-lasting covering.

Characteristics of identification of the liquid product

  • Consistency: liquid;
  • Specific weight at 15 ° C: 0.798 kg / dm3;
  • Flash point (ASTM D56): 40 ° C;
  • Flammability limit (% Vol. In air): lower than 0.6 - higher than about 7.0.

Idrogenius Cimar application

On surfaces that need more coats, apply the second one after the first has been absorbed.

On poorly absorbent floors (smooth or polished stones and anti-freeze ceramics, etc.) it is essential to dry thoroughly after about 30/40 minutes, with a clean cloth or with soft absorbent paper, residues of non-absorbed product to avoid surface stains (take into consideration temperature, humidity, sun and wind).

Complete absorption occurs in a few hours according to porosity, substrate, temperature and humidity.

The water repellency takes place in about 24 hours while the final drying takes place after about 10 days, according to the absorbency of the support and the temperature.

Support for waterproofing floors

  • Thoroughly clean and degrease the surfaces to be treated;
  • If necessary, wash with water and detergent and wait for drying;
  • Check that the surfaces are completely dry before proceeding with the treatment to allow for adequate absorption of the product.

Consumption of waterproofing floors

  • Consumption x lt. on very porous surfaces up to 10 m2 (concrete, beaten concrete, etc.);
  • Consumption x lt. on medium-porous surfaces up to 15 m2 (tiles, stoneware, etc.);
  • Consumption x lt. on slightly porous surfaces up to 25 m2 (clinker, porcelain stoneware, etc.).

Cimar guaine impermeabilizzanti liquide in vendita online

How to waterproof the floor?

The Cimar company produces in Italy a large variety of waterproofing products for floors .

For more than 20 years this Italian company has been active in the research of modern products in the building waterproofing sector.
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