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Neutral Multipurpose Silicone Fischer SN Anti-mold

£ 4,76
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Minimum order quantity: 4
Pack of 4
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Fischer SN 310 ml silicone - Multipurpose Neutral Anti-mold

Multipurpose neutral professional alcohol-based silicone sealant for indoor and outdoor applications.

Fischer SN silicone sold in practical cartridge in 310 ml format.

silicone multiuso neutro fischer sn antimuffa

What are the advantages of Fischer SN neutral multipurpose silicone?

  • CE marked for sealing internal and / or external facades (even for cold climates), windows (also for cold climates) and joints for sanitary purposes;
  • Good adhesion on porous and non-porous substrates;
  • Good resistance to chemicals and UV rays. In extreme irradiation conditions it could change color;
  • It does not smell and does not contain solvents;
  • Not corrosive;
  • Good resistance to mold, water vapor, water and detergents;
  • Not paintable.

Fischer anti-mold silicone applications

  • Concrete;
  • Masonry;
  • Wood;
  • Plastics (not on PE, PP, Teflon);
  • Metals;
  • Glass;
  • Glassy surfaces;
  • Enamelled surfaces;
  • Pottery;
  • Natural stone (preliminary test recommended).

Indoor expansion joints:
silicone Giunti di dilatazione in ambienti interni

Ventilation joints indoors:
Giunti di ventilazione in ambienti interni:

Not suitable for:
Bituminous substrates.

Certificate for non-structural sealing of:
  • Facades in the building sector F EXT-INT CC, internal and / or external side, also for cold climates (eg prefabricated concrete panels);
  • G CC windows, also for cold climates;
  • Sanitary area S (anti-mold according to method B, EN ISO 846) - eg. bathroom and kitchen.

Also suitable for sealing:
  • Expansion and connection joints in the construction sector;
  • Perimeter joints;
  • Joints in air conditioning and / or ventilation ducts.

Operation Silicone Fischer SN

  • Remove dirt, dust, oil and rust from surfaces. Grind or sandblast porous surfaces. Clean glass and metals with solvent;
  • Cut the extrusion end, apply the nozzle to the cartridge, cut the tip to adapt it to the size of the joint and insert into a fischer KP M 2 PLUS or KPM 3 silicone dispenser;
  • Apply the adhesive tape to the edges of the joint and then the product along it;
  • Level with a spatula. Remove the tape from the edges of the joint;
  • Clean tools and uncured product with Fischer PUR 500 cleaner, SAL 70 multi-purpose wipes or acetone. Hardened product can only be removed mechanically.

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