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Neutral Silicone Torggler Window & Sanitary Sealant

  • Brands: Torggler
£ 3,75
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Window & Sanitary Torggler: Neutral Silicone Sealant 310 ml

Neutral silicone Torggler Window & Sanitary , mold-resistant silicone sealant ideal for professional installation of windows and sanitary fixtures.

Neutral silicone sealant resistant to molds for window frames and sanitary use

  • Resistant to UV rays and bad weather;
  • Low elastic modulus ;
  • Indoor and outdoor use : excellent adhesion on porous and non-porous substrates;
  • 25% elastic elongation;
  • Suitable for the installation of mirrors;
  • Many different colors available;
  • Stain resistant: suitable for laying mirrors.

Silicone Neutro Torggler Window & Sanitary Sigillante Siliconico

Professional neutral silicone for the installation of doors and windows

Window & Sanitary silicone is a neutral silicone sealant with a low modulus of elasticity, resistant to UV rays and atmospheric agents, ideal for use in windows and doors . It complies with UNI 11673-1, “Installation of windows and doors - Part 1: requirements and design verification criteria”.

Its composition allows the gluing of mirrors on different substrates, greatly reducing, compared to other silicone sealants, the risk of corrosion of the paint and the consequent appearance of the characteristic dark spots with loss of mirror reflection. Furthermore, the exceptional durability allows a perfect adhesion of the mirror to the support even after many years.

The presence, in the formulation, of an agent with antimicrobial and anti-algae action, makes it suitable for use in healthcare environments: the product resists boiling water and washing with chemically aggressive detergents, thus contributing to surface hygiene. Thanks to the neutral cross-linking, it does not develop unpleasant odors during application, it does not release acid or basic substances that can corrode the metal supports and it does not damage the paints. It has excellent adhesion to both porous (masonry, concrete, plaster, wood) and non-porous (metal, plastic, glass, glazed and porcelain surfaces) substrates.

Window & Sanitary is classified according to UNI EN 15651 as a non-structural sealant for facades (type F), for windows (type G), for sanitary uses (type XS) and for applications on floors subject to foot traffic (type PW). The product is certified as EC1 Plus by the GEV body in terms of very low emissions of volatile organic compounds.

Neutral silicone Window & Sanitary Torggler - fields of use:

Window & Sanitary neutral silicone is ideal for:
  • sealing between glass and window frame (metal, pre-painted, wood or plastic);
  • sealing of the connection joints between the window frame and the wall (masonry, concrete, plaster);
  • bonding of mirrors ;
  • waterproof sealings , as well as resistant to molds, of the connection joints of bathrooms (bathtubs, shower cubicles, sinks), SPA environments and swimming pools, even on the floor.

Its characteristics are such as to allow the seals to absorb the movements transmitted to the windows and the window frame by atmospheric, vibrational and mechanical stresses. In fact, Silicone Window & Sanitary elastically connects the window frame to the masonry , absorbing, without detachment, the movement of the neighboring building elements, originating from differential thermo-hygrometric dilations or settlements. It therefore guarantees a perfect seal over time to water and air, reducing heat loss and preventing the formation of mold.

Maximum thicknesses achievable with Window & Sanitary Torggler

Joint sizing:
  • Minimum width = 6 mm;
  • For widths up to 10 mm the depth must be equal to the width of the joint and in any case not less than 6 mm;
  • For widths from 10 to 20 mm the depth must be at least 10 mm;
  • For widths over 20 mm the depth must be at least half the width.

Installation instructions for Window & Sanitary Torggler neutral silicone

  1. The sides of the joint must be clean, degreased and dry. With porous substrates it is recommended to treat in advance with Silicone Primer. In deep expansion joints, fill with rigid expanded profiles before sealing;
  2. Stretch an adhesive tape along the sides of the joint;
  3. Insert the cartridge in the special gun, open it, screw the nozzle and cut the tip in order to obtain a sufficient opening;
  4. Inject the sealant in abundance;
  5. Smooth with a spatula moistened with Smooth within 5 minutes of application, exerting a certain pressure in order to eliminate air gaps;
  6. Remove the adhesive tape immediately after smoothing.

Cleaning of tools, in the plastic state of the sealant, can be done with solvents; after hardening only mechanically.

Siliconi Torggler in vendita online su Windowo

Torggler silicones for sale online on Windowo

The world of sealants offers a variety of professional solutions that allow for different uses. In fact, Torggler silicones are formulated to best meet these needs in all applications: from the most technological and advanced in the industry, to the most common quality DIY.

Where to buy Torggler silicones? The range of Torggler sealant products is for sale online in the Windowo shop at special prices.

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