U-bolt Hinge with Plate and Locknut - Accessory for Swing Gate
swing gate hinge with plate is a mechanical device used to secure and allow the rotation of swing gates, that is, those that open by rotating on a vertical axis.
This type of hinge is particularly suitable for large swing gates or for situations where precise adjustment and robust support are required.
Choose the
swing gate accessory with the features you are looking for by selecting the millimetres.
To choose the item with the correct features you can consult the table below.
Component to be fixed: fix with anchors/bolts of suitable size to support the forces in play. Adequately reinforce the areas of attachment to the door and/or the structure/frame.
Component to be welded: make a weld of suitable dimensions to support the forces in play and with suitable filler material. Adequately reinforce the areas of attachment to the door and/or structure/frame.
Adjustable component: adjustment can be made with the accessory mounted.
The best gate hinges for sale online
Buy your U-bolt hinges with plate on Windowo , the online store specializing in accessories for gates and windows.
Find high quality gate products, competitive prices and the convenience of home delivery.