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Bigum Waterproofing Cement Mortar and No-Limits Additive

  • Brands: Cimar
£ 40,05
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15 Kg Bigum Waterproofing Cement Mortar and 8 Kg No-Limits Additive

Bigum is a single-component waterproof mortar that is easy to prepare: it only requires mixing with water.

This waterproofing cementitious mortar is ideal, before applying the coating, for terraces, swimming pools, balconies; it is suitable for the protection of concrete and masonry structures.

For surfaces that are deformable or subject to structural movements, a 4 × 4 mm fiberglass or synthetic mesh must be inserted after the first coat of the product.

No Limits , is the additive that, added entirely in the Bigum mortar (the product + water), gives it unparalleled elasticity and impermeability.
You can buy both the 15 Kg Bigum mortar and the 8 Kg No Limits additive: select the variant you want.

Malta Cementizia Impermeabilizzante Bigum e Additivo No-Limits

Discover a very flexible waterproofing mortar

Bigum is a highly waterproof and flexible cementitious mortar.

It is used for the construction of waterproof coatings such as terraces, swimming pools, balconies and all environments subjected to the deteriorating action of water, before applying the tiles.

It is also suitable for the protection of concrete and masonry structures.

It is easy to prepare, as it only requires mixing with water.

Examples of waterproofing mortar applications:
  • Waterproofing of concrete tanks for water containment;
  • Waterproofing of bathrooms, showers, balconies, swimming pools before laying ceramic coverings;
  • Waterproofing of plasterboard, plaster or cementitious surfaces and lightened concrete blocks;
  • Smoothing of concrete structures;
  • Protection from water and aggressive agents of plaster and concrete with cracks;
  • Waterproofing of concrete surfaces that can come into contact with sea water.

The adhesion of Bigum is excellent on all concrete, masonry, ceramic and marble surfaces as long as they have been perfectly clean.

Malta Cementizia Impermeabilizzante Bigum 15 Kg e Additivo No-Limits 8 Kg

Features waterproofing mortar

  • Appearance: light gray powder
  • Apparent density: 1.2 ± 0.2 Kg / dm3
  • Grain size: 0-0.3 mm
  • % water for the mix: from 16-20% to have a more or less fluid mortar
  • Density of the mix: 1.7 Kg / Lt
  • Application temperature: from +5 to +30 ° C
  • Workability time of the mix: about 60 minutes
  • Hardening time: 5-6 hours from the preparation of the mortar
  • Impermeability (DIN 1048): after 28 days at 1.5 Bar of positive hydrostatic pressure: resists
  • Adhesion to concrete according to EN 1542, after 28 days at 20 ° C and 50% RH (N / mm2): 1
  • Adhesion to concrete according to EN 1542, after 7 days at 20 ° C and 50% RH (N / mm2): 0.7
  • Elasticity according to DIN 53504 expressed as elongation, after 30 days at 20 ° C and 50% RH: 25%

Preparation of waterproofing mortar
Pour 16 to 20% clean water into the powder mixture. Add the water gradually, under very slow stirring with a drill (max 500 rpm), until a homogeneous and lump-free mortar is obtained.
15 kg package: add 2.5 to 3 kg of water to obtain a more or less fluid mortar.

Waterproofing mortar consumption
About 1.5 Kg / m2 for a thickness of 1 mm per coat. Two coats are recommended. Do not exceed two millimeters in thickness.

no limits cimar solvente

Support for applying waterproofing cement mortar

The floors to be covered must be roughened and have an excellent basic cleaning.

For waterproofing concrete surfaces: remove any traces of dust and grease by washing with water under pressure, it is preferable that the surfaces to be treated and cleaned are first moistened with water.

To waterproof control joints, horizontal and vertical connections, use a rubberized tape with felt. Apply a thin layer of Bigum of at least 1 mm on the sides of the edges and expansion joints to be waterproofed. Dip the fabric part of the tape onto the still fresh Bigum layer using a spatula. In the case of joints (e.g. in terraces) the belt must be positioned in their seat so as to form an omega.

Cimar guaine impermeabilizzanti liquide in vendita online

Waterproofing cementitious mortars

The Cimar company produces in Italy a large variety of waterproofing products for floors .

For more than 20 years this Italian company has been active in the research of modern products in the building waterproofing sector.

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