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Bituminous Waterproofing Sheath Cimar Extralarge

  • Brands: Cimar
£ 6,51
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Cimar Extralarge Bituminous Waterproofing Sheath

Extralarge is a bituminous liquid waterproofing membrane.

Extralarge is available in both can and cartridge versions (select the variant you want).
  • Black colour;
  • Supports: any type;
  • Consumption: 2.3 Kg / sqm;
  • Tools: spatula, brush, roller, airless.

This liquid sheath , compared to other sheaths in rolls, has the following advantages:
  • does not require application with open flames;
  • it is a monolithic system;
  • allows great elasticity and resistance;
  • it eliminates the costs of removing and disposing of old sheaths by restoring their impermeability.

Guaina Impermeabilizzante Bituminosa Extralarge Cimar

Features Cimar Extra-large Sheath

  • Extra-large Cimar, water-based bituminous elastomeric liquid sheath;
  • Waterproofing, elastic paste based on synthetic rubber and bituminous emulsion;
  • Appearance: thixotropic paste;
  • Specific weight: 1.1 ± 0.05 Kg / dm3;
  • Dry residue: 70 ± 5%;
  • Viscosity at 23 ° C: thixotropic gel;
  • Application by brush, brush, trowel, roller or spray (airless).

extralarge cimar impermeabilizzante

Uses Cimar Oversized Sheath

Extra-large Cimar waterproofing has particular macromolecules that make the dried product very waterproof and elastic .

Extra-large Cimar should be used to waterproof any type of substrate : concrete, wood, etc .; used both vertically and horizontally, both in sight and against the ground.

We recommend that you watch the video on how Extralarge Cimar is applied on our YouTube channel.

This bituminous sheath is designed to glue any panel (vertically and horizontally) on supports that allow transpiration. It also promotes the restoration, renewal and repair of old deteriorated waterproofing .
  • Perfect for gutters and sheet metal;
  • Resists water stagnation;
  • Repair old waterproof membranes;
  • Adheres to all types of materials;
  • It replaces the bituminous membranes in rolls;
  • Withstands low and high temperatures;
  • It has obtained the CE mark.

Extralarge Cimar - Depliant Cartuccia

Extra-large Cimar warnings

  • Thoroughly mix Extralarge Cimar before use;
  • Etralarge Cimar in its packaging cannot stand freezing and once frozen it is no longer recoverable ;
  • Do not apply in adverse weather conditions as the product can be washed away by rainwater;
  • For all applications on reinforced concrete or on any type of slab where there is the presence of metal, micro cracks are formed every 4 - 5 meters which always require the use of a polyester reinforcement to reinforce.

Support and application of bituminous waterproofing sheath

The substrate to be treated must be dry and clean; the humidity of the substrate could generate product bubbles. The surfaces that are dusted must be treated with a suitable primer to avoid the detachment of Extralarge.

The friable and non-adherent parts must be eliminated. On damp substrates, in order to avoid the formation of bubbles, it is necessary to apply suitable exhalers to eliminate the condensation that forms under the waterproof covering (1 exhalator every 50m2).

It is essential to carry out a perfect cleaning of the substrate to be coated and then use a suitable primer, i.e. diluting EXTRALARGE by 20-30% and applying it as a paint, 250 gr. per sqm. For all applications on reinforced concrete or similar surfaces, where the presence of metal normally produces micro cracks every 4/5 meters, the use of a polyester reinforcement is always required.

For the restoration of old waterproofing with bituminous sheaths in rolls that show considerable cracks, it is not possible to use EXTRALARGE without the reinforcement.

To avoid unsightly micro-lesions and to always have optimal workability, it is advisable to refrain from applying the product during the sunniest hours of the day.

Cimar guaine impermeabilizzanti liquide in vendita online

Cimar liquid waterproofing sheaths for sale online

Cimar produces in Italy a wide range of liquid waterproofing products, protective products, primers and adhesives.

For more than 20 years, the Italian company Cimar has been engaged in the search for innovative products in the building waterproofing sector.
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Extralarge Cimar Video

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