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How much do home renovations cost?

by Elia Caneppele 28 June 2023 commenti (1) scrivi commento

How much do home renovations cost? Find out the costs to renovate per square meter.

How much does it cost to renovate your home? This is the question that always arises when buying an apartment or a villa. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find valid information with reliable figures on the internet.

In this article I will give you a realistic idea of home remodeling costs .
The average home renovation cost is between 500 euros and 1000 euros per square meter , for luxury finishes it can even reach 1,300 euros per square meter.

The price of the total renovation of a house can vary between 500 euros and 1,300 euros per square meter. However, the final cost will mainly depend on the total area to be restored.

  • to renovate a house of 30 square meters the average price is about 20,000 euros;
  • to renovate a house of 120 square meters the average price is around 90,000 euros.


There are many variables that affect the cost of a renovation in addition to size. First of all, the prices of a home renovation can also change from city to city, depending on where the property is located.

This was just my shortest answer.

Let me introduce myself: I am Elia Caneppele and I founded the Windowo online store. I love everything related to construction and maintenance. For years I have been dealing with quality construction related in particular to the world of windows and doors .

Today we will see together how much it costs to renovate the house and what are the factors that affect the final cost of this investment. Would you like to know more? Read on!

How much do home renovations cost?

The difference between repairing and renovating a house

Do you want your dream home? Then you will have to think about doing some work. But doing home repairs doesn't always involve renovating. Maybe you don't need to make a total renovation because you just need to change a few details.

Here is the difference between these concepts:
  • Repairing the house means fixing something that is not working properly;
  • Home renovation involves a substantial change to modify, improve or modernize.

Home renovation costs and initial doubts to be clarified

Have you bought a house with something you just don't like? Costs can add up quickly when you renovate an old house . In fact, renovating a house can be a necessary intervention, but it can also involve a considerable monetary investment.

Where to start without leaving home? Whatever our design ideas are, to make a first calculation the basic information are square meters and age of the house .

Having this initial information very clear is very useful when you decide to renovate your home, because depending on your budget you can choose which type of renovation to undertake.

Then you need to find a restructuring company with a consolidated experience that offers assistance in the various stages. In fact, professional competence will be essential both in the construction phase of the renovation works and in the design phase.

Home renovation costs per square meter

To evaluate how much it costs to renovate a home you will have to deal with the square meters . In fact, the renovation cost changes depending on how different variants are presented ... and the square meters are the first real main factor.
the price of your renovation will be commensurate with the interventions carried out:
  • A simple intervention can have an average value of 400 euros per square meter;
  • A deep renovation with cheap materials , is around 600 euros per square meter;
  • A renovation with higher quality materials (not too expensive), the cost can amount to 700-1000 euros .

To get an idea, here is the average cost of the various renovations (without supply of materials):
  • Demolition and disposal: € 20 - € 30 per sq m;
  • Construction of new partitions: € 30 - € 40 per square meter;
  • Electrical installation (per 100sqm): € 25 - € 30 per light point;
  • Plumbing and heating installation (bathroom and kitchen): € 160 - € 180 per water point;
  • Laying floors and tiles: about € 25 per square meter;
  • Wall painting: about € 20 per square meter;
  • Door and window fabricator who installs doors and windows: around € 200 per window (depending on the job).

Warning: some operations are much more expensive. Only the waterproofing of the roof can cost up to 15,000 euros.

Examples of home renovation costs per square meter

Here are various examples of home renovation costs of some sizes (the prices provided are the result of estimates):
  • house renovation costs 120 sq m: about 90 thousand euros;
  • house renovation costs 100 sq m: about 70 thousand euros;
  • house renovation costs 80 sq m: about 50 thousand euros;
  • house renovation costs 60 sqm: about 35 thousand euros;
  • house renovation costs 40 sqm: about 25 thousand euros.

Other examples:
  • Kitchen renovation of 10 square meters: from 2,400 euros;
  • Floor laying 75 sq m (no tiles): from € 3,000 euros;
  • Replacement of windows and doors : starting from 300 euros each;

On average, for the complete renovation of a 100 square meter apartment, you can spend up to 90 thousand euros.

A 40 sqm studio apartment has an average cost of between 20 and 30 thousand euros. For a 60 sqm two-room apartment, the cost is around 40,000 euros.

For more spacious houses, such as a 100 square meter three-room apartment, the average cost is around 60,000 euros. Finally, renovating a 120 square meter four-room apartment (two bathrooms) costs from 80,000 to 110,000 euros.

Home renovation costs: which works have the greatest impact on the price?

Plants and electrical equipment in general are the items that have the greatest impact: they determine over 40% of the total cost. I don't advise you to ever save on implants: you need a guarantee of quality and good durability.

Other interventions that affect home renovation costs by around 15% are:
  • Demolitions;
  • Reconstructions ;
  • Laying floors and coverings ;
  • Painting .

How is the cost calculated?

We have seen together how the variants that affect the renovation cost are many (age and condition of the house, how many and which systems, quality of materials, accessibility, etc.).

If you want to calculate the price of the renovation you must take into account:
  • items of renovations to be done (see the list above);
  • price per single item ...;
  • ... multiplied by the quantity of expected items.

What are metric calculations and specifications?

Speaking of the calculation of restructuring costs, I would like to underline the importance of some fundamental documents . These can help you face the procedure with greater serenity. I highly recommend that you work hard to obtain these documents.
  1. With the metric calculation you can estimate the cost of carrying out construction works. Includes descriptions of interventions, quantities and unit prices. Multiplying the quantities by the unit prices we will obtain the subtotals, which added together give the total cost of the restructuring.
  2. The specifications and tender contract is a document that determines the relationship between the client and the contractor, establishing conditions and technical prescriptions for a perfect execution of the works.

ristrutturare casa costi

Remember to allow for extra home renovation costs!

My dispassionate advice is to have an emergency fund with at least 15% of your total budget to cover the unexpected.

In fact, the price of the renovation may include other extra services :
  • Bureaucratic costs: renovations involve large-scale interventions, which usually include a structural modification of the spaces;
  • Cost of the project: to renovate a house of about 150 square meters, the price for the services carried out by architects or engineers is about 10,000 euros;
  • Preparatory work: in an apartment building it will be necessary to protect common areas such as elevators and stairs. In houses, furniture, floors, walls and environments that do not require intervention during the renovation must be protected from bumps and dirt;
  • Furniture storage: it may be necessary to put the furniture of the house in a warehouse before proceeding with the renovation;
  • Extra costs for demolitions: related to the rental of containers for the deposit of rubble, temporary occupation of public roads or transfer of materials to landfills;
  • Cleaning at the end of the work: debris and dust make a cleaning service advisable. Professionals in this sector have various tools for deep cleaning.

Home renovation costs: save with tax deductions

Before coming to the conclusions, I remind you that some expenses enjoy tax breaks for building renovations. In particular, we of the Windowo team are specialized in dealing with the various bonus fixtures .

Today, however, it is possible to take advantage of the facilities for building renovations, thanks to the measures contained in the latest Budget Law. The measures are numerous and important tax breaks can be obtained for different types of jobs.

Among these we remember first the Home Restructuring Bonus , with which you can get a deduction valid for many building renovation and ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of buildings and condominiums.

Even the Ecobonus should not be neglected: it is possible to have a deduction for energy redevelopment interventions.

Let's not forget the 10% reduced VAT for restructuring .

Final advice on how much home renovation costs

Here are my final 3 tips on "how much does it cost to renovate a house":
  1. Help as much as possible: ask the specialist what you can do before his arrival, during and after the renovation. You will save on labor costs;
  2. Define the project precisely: it is worth investing the time to evaluate every detail of your project;
  3. Hire Local Businesses - Find an expert in your area. Better to choose a local company and save on call costs.

I hope this home renovation cost guide has been of great help to you. For any doubt or clarification you can comment below.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Want to improve your e-commerce ranking? Once a month, I offer SEO consulting for struggling online stores. Contact me on my social media to schedule a free call.

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Invia commento
Nicht schlecht, die Kosten für eine Renovierung so detailliert aufzulisten. Habe mich letztens mit einem Vorbau beschäftigt, weil ich die Optik und den zusätzlichen Schutz mag. Eure Tipps zur Materialplanung und zu den Quadratmeterkosten sind echt nützlich. Besonders cool finde ich, dass man eine Terrassenüberdachung mit Solar kombinieren kann, um langfristig Energiekosten zu sparen.
31 July 2024



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