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Kitchen renovation? Small interventions to revolutionize it

by Elia Caneppele 17 June 2020 commenti (0) scrivi commento
Kitchen renovation? Small interventions to revolutionize it

Your kitchen is now a few years old (maybe a few decades), its aesthetic is not very contemporary, but it doesn't need to be changed because it still does its job. You have no desire to spend money on an aesthetic whim… yet that desire for novelty remains in the air.

Well listen here: it is not necessary to replace the furniture to renovate the kitchen, with small restyling interventions you can give the impression of having made big changes. Here I have collected some ideas to bring a breath of fresh air to your kitchen without expensive investments. My motto is: little expense maximum yield!

How to renew the doors of the wall units

I start from here because "the doors make the kitchen" and decide the atmosphere of your environment. If you want to give them a touch of novelty, know that you are at the intersection of three roads.

The way of substitution . This is the most drastic solution: if the doors are aged and worn, then it's time to replace them. Alt! Because at the beginning I promised advice that didn't involve replacing the furniture. And in fact the furniture stays in place, only the front changes. The aesthetic result is the same as a new kitchen but the savings are considerable.

The way of painting . If the doors of the wall units are still in perfect condition, take the path of painting: you can change not only the color, but also the type of finish of the doors. Do you want to deal with it yourself? The important thing is to proceed with caution: ask an expert to advise you on the right paint for the material to be covered. And if you are not a brush wizard, commission the work to those who are more competent than you, better not risk making trouble. The new color will bring a breath of fresh air.

colored kitchen doors

The way of stencils . Let's say: you have a very simple kitchen and you feel that it lacks a bit of personality, you would like to make it more yours. In this case you can intervene by decorating the doors with ad hoc stickers. It is a very original and economical choice.

So which path did you choose to take?

New knobs and handles, a completely different kitchen

If it is true that "the doors make the kitchen", then it is also true that "the handles make the doors". The look of a kitchen can also be revolutionized by starting with small details, such as the handles on the wall units. It is easy to remove the old handles, just get a screwdriver and unscrew the fasteners. What you need to pay attention to is to find a handle that has the same attachment to the piece of furniture, so as to take advantage of the holes already prepared.

Where to find new handles? Well in this case we play at home: in our handle shop you have a wide selection of designer handles and knobs that can be adapted to different styles.

kitchen renovation design handles

And here are also the knobs for a classic kitchen.

furniture knobs kitchen renovation design

Break boredom with plays of heights and volumes

Leafing through the furniture magazines, you may have noticed that in recent years the need has been felt to lighten the design of classic kitchens. How? Breaking their linearity with plays of heights and volumes, alternating full and empty spaces. You can try it too: if you have a linear kitchen that lacks a bit of lightness, you could remove the doors of some wall units and turn them into open shelves . A part of the pantry could become, for example, a shelf where you can arrange jars of spices, preserves or, why not, a mini bookcase with recipe books.

How to cover the kitchen tiles

If your home is not fresh from renovation, you may feel the need to cover those old tiles that are very “grandma's kitchen”. How to do it without having to embark on large masonry works? Two solutions:
  • Adhesive tiles . There are specific adhesive papers to cover individual tiles and there are also large format foils with the most diverse prints - some simulate the motifs of natural materials, such as stone or wood.
  • Painting for tiles . On the market you can also find specific paints to cover ceramic surfaces. They are very resistant enamels that are applied easily, withstand humidity well and are completely washable.

The colored walls revolutionize the interior

Sometimes a touch of color is enough to completely change the atmosphere of an environment. Choose a wall to color, perhaps the least equipped one, and you will see what an effect!

colorful wall kitchen interior design

If you like more creative solutions, you can also create a chalkboard wall - or a small chalkboard niche that highlights a particular corner of the kitchen. How to make it happen? With blackboard effect paints (if the kitchen is small and not very bright, avoid too dark tones which will tend to darken it). The chalkboard wall creates a beautiful contrast when juxtaposed with light furniture.

kitchen blackboard wall

The lights are not just a question of functionality!

The kitchen is a workplace, so having good light is essential. The lights, however, are not just something functional: they determine the atmosphere of your spaces. For both of these reasons it is good to have several light points which, in addition to ensuring good brightness, help you to enhance the environment . A few examples? Place a beautiful lamp near the table that emits a warm light, capable of creating the right atmosphere for your dinners. Illuminate the worktop with spotlights that give the kitchen a more modern air. If you have niches, shelving or other views that you want to enhance, system some appliques to make them stand out.

The carpet that warms the atmosphere

The carpet in the kitchen no, no and then no! Maybe you are thinking this while you imagine the hassle of a carpet that every two by three is dirty with gravy, oil, wine and who knows what else. Premise: the only possible rug for the kitchen is a rug that can be easily washed in the washing machine at home, therefore soft and small . Having made the necessary specification, I remind you that the carpet remains one of the furnishing accessories that is most able to warm and enrich an environment. It is also strategic to cover a floor that you do not like and it is useful if you have a delicate surface in the kitchen such as parquet: it will help protect it from the inevitable stains.

If you want to let yourself be carried away by the wind of change, now you just have to decide which path to follow. Here I have listed several for you.

Elia Caneppele
Elia Caneppele

I'm Elia Caneppele, author of this article and founder of Windowo, the Italian shop specialising in the online sale of products for windows. My speciality is doing SEO for ecommerce and blogs, which, in simple terms, means getting people to find us on the Internet.

Since 2014 I have been a digital entrepreneur and, in addition to managing Windowo, I also deal with the communication of I create content trying to convey as much value as possible to our customers.

Below I leave you the links to my social networks: I can't wait to get in touch with you personally.

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